Idowu Adegbilero-Iwari on ResearchGate


Friday, June 21, 2019


Our business is getting you talking
Our duty is linking you up
Our goal is connecting you to the world
Our mandate is getting you going
Our aim is to make you grow
We work to see you glow
Come on, GLOw With Pride!

As greens cover the earth so shall your reach be
As the forest grow without restraints
So shall our network thicken your business with grace
The green that we are, feeding you as greens feed the world
A pride of all stones, the emerald
So shall this Glo mobile your life to stardom
Enthroning you to Rule Your World!

Talk! Talk! Talk long; Talk! Talk! Talk cheap
Talk deal, talk biz all with the ease of sheep
Without rush, call! With pleasure, talk!
Talk, win; talk, cross borders; talk and get rich
This we do nerving the masses.
All we know to do, it’s our manner,
Glo! We Get People Talking!
Composed 22nd Aug., 2009 @ Abeokuta. Nig. Modified with 3rd stanza 13th Aug., 2011 @ Ibadan. Nig.
© Adegbilero-Iwari, Idowu Jan., 2012.

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