Idowu Adegbilero-Iwari on ResearchGate


Thursday, May 18, 2023


Olabode Olajide (Ph.D.)

I write to appeal to concerned authority and other education stakeholders in the country to introduce, compulsorily, “library period” into timetable of both primary and secondary schools across the country. This is imperative considering the high level of inadequate library skills exhibit by Nigerian undergraduates. It is not uncommon to hear undergraduates complaining about their college, polytechnic or university libraries of inability to provide or satisfy their information needs no matter how equipped the libraries might be. Research has shown that in most cases, it is not as if libraries don’t have what it takes to satisfy the students’ information needs but the skills required of students to effectively utilize the library resources to the fullest are lacking. Though, students are not to be totally blamed for this absurdity but our educational system that allows school to operate without functional library. Imagine a situation where student never stepped into the four walls of library before gaining admission to higher institution. Yet, it happens, and library at that level of education is unavoidable. Students will ever need it for either personal, recreational, assignment, learning or research purpose.

However, it is primary and secondary schools that serve as a basic foundation of education, and it is at this levels the basic skills required to effectively utilize any type of libraries at any level of education can easily be acquired. From personal experience with students during visitation to the University Library where I work, I could say that students spend much time than necessary on shelves searching, via trial and error, for the needed materials. Realizing this, many of the tertiary institutions introduce a course - “Use of Library and Study Skills” to assist the students in finding their footing in library usage. Though, this is somehow belated, as all the library skills cannot be impacted and well grasped by students within a short period of a semester allotted for teaching the course.

Therefore, I would like to appeal to Federal and State governments as well as other education stakeholders to, as matter of urgency, introduce and enforce “Library Period” in school timetable where pupils could be introduced to library early enough, as this will not only acquaint them with library skills that will be needed in future but also improve their reading culture.

 Dr. Olabode Olajide 
 Librarian/Information Manager

1 comment:

  1. Good job. Great heights in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.
