Idowu Adegbilero-Iwari on ResearchGate


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Weepy Day

Adegbilero-Iwari, Idowu

Who burst your boil that you burst into tears, O day?
Whose acrimony has caused you this lachrymose moment?
This effluent of your pain has brought us worry
Leaving us with the tale of a day for which we are sorry

The mountains were mashed in your tears and the trees must weep
The isles could not evade the torrent from your eyes, the lakes must dance
Weepy! Weepy! Weepy eyes! The day is bitter and we all could see it
These chilly tears have caused us all to ask, what befall you, O day?

That the laissez-faire with the heart of a sparrow that prides on pity
Was caged to the comfort of the nest in which he dwells
To further oppress the unlucky bed he troubled all night
To snore and gnaw his jaws, pour his sluggish rain to wet his tired bed

But for the mighty with the heart to dare the effluence
And make a wreck of the effusive pour of a mournful Day
To take his dwelling from the border of deceitful rest

And betray the patience to further embrace your tears, O weepy Day!

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